
PADLOVNIA CUP – Valentine’s Tournament 2025

General Information
Date: 2025/02/15
Tournament Name: PADLOVNIA CUP – Valentine’s Tournament
Location: Padlovnia, Warsaw
Categories: MIXED (Mixed Open)
Ranks: MIXED (Mixed Open): PFP MIXED (TK A 32)
Entry Fee: 150 PLN
Tournament Director: Mateusz Miroński
Phone: 537998544
Start Time: 15:00
Registration Deadline: 12.02.2025, 18:00

How to Register
Register via kluby.org

Qualification for the tournament is based on the official PFP ranking.

Team Limit per Category:

The organizer reserves the right to change the team limit per category.

Tournament Fee:
150 PLN

Additional Information
Match Schedule:
15.02.2025, Saturday:
From 15:00 to 22:00/23:00 – Mixed Open

The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the schedule and team limits per category, depending on the number of registered teams.

Qualification for the tournament is determined by the total points of each team, based on the official PFP ranking.

Bracket for every position


  • Best of 3 sets. In case of a 1:1 tie, a super tie-break to 10 points in the 3rd set.
  • In case of a deuce – golden point. The receiving team chooses the side for service return.
  • Consolation bracket: Best of 3 sets. In case of a 1:1 tie, a super tie-break to 10 points in the 3rd set.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change the format depending on the number of entries and delays relative to the published match schedule.

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