
Juanda is back at Padlovnia! 

Juanda, an experienced padel coach, returns to Padlovnia! His expertise has been utilized by players from the TOP 10 in Spain, Denmark, Sweden, France, Estonia, and Poland. This is a fantastic opportunity to elevate your game under the guidance of one of the best!

Juanda’s Experience:

  • Organizer and lead instructor of the first edition of PADEL COACH CAMP in Mallorca, which featured Polish padel players such as Basia Maciocha, Zosia Piórkowska, Antek Szczęsny, and others.
  • Creator of CAMPUS INTERNACIONAL, where he trained over 40 groups from around the world with varying skill levels.

This is Your Chance to Improve!

Want to take your game to the next level? Take advantage of individual training sessions with Juanda!

How to Book a Training Session:

  1. Send an email to hello@padlovnia.pl with your preferred date and time.
  2. You will receive the booking conditions.

Training Hours:

  • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM


  • Court: According to Padlovnia’s price list.
  • Training: Payment is made directly with Juanda on-site.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity! See you on the court!

Why Choose Juanda?

  • Professional training from an experienced coach.
  • Personalized sessions tailored to your needs.
  • Flexible hours to fit your schedule.

Book now and start playing like a pro! 🎾

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